How To – Using a Valley/Gambel’s Quail Call


It’s been a long time coming, but here it is! This video is a tutorial for how to call Valley (California) and Gambel’s Quail! Use this video to practice how to call on the offseason. It does NOT have to be perfect but should follow a similar cadence, like that in the video.

Quail-calls are a great tool! Especially if you are in a new area! Pull up to a “birdy” spot, jump out and call a few times! Wait a few minutes for a return call! Now you know where the birds are!

A quail-call can also help you “call-back” singles to your general direction after you bust up a covey. Quail are social-gatherers and live in social groups called coveys. There is safety in numbers. More eyes mean better chances of spotting and escaping danger before it gets too close. When a predator is near, a covey will flush and disperse. The bird’s natural instinct is to regroup. And the assemble call is the Trojan Horse we use.

I also find calls very helpful, because I hunt without a bird-dog! Without the advantage of Fido’s nose, I need help locating birds I cannot see! I also use the call as mentioned above to call in quail after I break them up.

Some things to think about –

  • If this is your main tactic for hunting birds (because you don’t have a dog or your dog sucks at finding birds), remember: These are wary birds. They have great eyesight. I often will kneel or even sit low when calling. I find by sitting low or even breaking up my silhouette, more birds will respond and come into me.
  • Sometimes quail will not respond at all. This is especially true at the end of the season. Some of these birds will not make any sound and will creep in and surprise you. Be ready.
  • I have had Valley Quail respond to Gambel’s Quail assembly calls and vice-versa. Switch it up. Sometimes a different pitch or assembly call will liven them if they stop responding. I also carry multiple calls, with multiple pitches. I find (often) that a more robust sounding call will get others to think a more mature and wise quail is around… and who doesn’t wanna pal around that guy when a predator is near?
  • If you are hunting with multiple hunters, be sure that they are carrying calls! Position hunters in different locations and start calling. This will mimic a busted up covey that is attempting to come back together! Call. Wait for it. Watch the magic happen!


I hope this was a helpful video/article. I find myself using calls a lot when I am out hunting and have seen a ton of success with only the aid of a call. Some people laugh, but I hunt these birds like mini-turkeys. I use the call to locate and attract. They can laugh… but it works! Let me know how calling quail works for you!

God Bless & Happy Hunting! – J.R.


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